most teenagers suffer from skin acneI want to dispel the myth that acne is normal or a right of passage into adulthood that adolescents must endure. Acne is a systemic inflammatory disease, all acne is abnormal and truly a window into our inner health.

What acne is? Acne is a disease of the pores and sebaceous glands. There are skin cells that shed inside our pore just like the surface of the skin. Acne begins with inflammation at a cellular level, an over production of oil or sebum, and then too many skin cells piling up. Those skin cells get “jammed” inside the pore and plugs it and that is when the trouble begins. If the plug gets pushed out to the top of the pore, it oxidizes and therefore exits as a “blackhead” . If the pore cannot dispel its contents, it becomes trapped, and this is when the noticeable inflammation occurs and the proliferation of the p.acnes bacteria. This process is the start of the papule, pustule, nodule or cyst. None of these are a positive result only leading to more pain, redness, and inflammation; for the acne sufferer.
I want to change the way people in Wisconsin face acne treatment and open doors for a new way to treat your acne. I worked with people of all ages and skin types to help control their chronic inflammatory disease which is acne. Just like any other chronic inflammatory disease, it needs to be controlled, but unfortunately there is no “acne cure”. That is just giving someone false hope, but you can moderate your skin condition just like someone with Rheumatoid Arthritis lives with theirs. Acne treatment starts with effective home care, diet modifications, stress reduction, lifestyle changes, and effective treatment. There is a lot of misinformation on the internet and on T.V. My job is to help people just like you, who is frustrated with your current skin condition or know of someone whom is.
The most successful acne client is the one ready to move out of their current skin situation, wanting to try something new, and are committed to change. In order to be successful you need to do the work, I will guide you, inform you, and give you an at home treatment specific for your type of acne.

Here are ten steps you can do to start on a path to clearer skin:

  1. Get to know the term comedogenic. That term means “will clog pores” in an acne prone individual. Get familiar with skin care ingredients you should avoid on acne prone areas, some examples are: coconut oil, cocoa butter, algae extract, and sodium chloride. All these skin care ingredients can wreak havoc on acne prone skin. Get to know which ones are pore clogging offenders because these are just a few, there are many more.
  2. I want you to know that just because a product reads on the label “noncomedogenic” or for acne prone skin, or “oil free” it may still have comedogenic ingredients. As an informed consumer, product labels are not regulated by the FDA. An example of this is, Clinique’s Acne Solutions skin care and make up, you can view the offending ingredients on my Pintrest at
  3. I will help you get to know what shampoo, conditioner and hair products to avoid with acne prone skin. They all contribute to acne if they contain pore clogging ingredients in them.
  4. Just because it is “natural” does not mean it cannot contribute to acne. I recently participated in one of those “parties” for skin care products from a very popular and very local company. They are perpetuating that petrolatum and mineral oil are pore clogging and it simply isn’t true. Base your knowledge off of research and not off of marketing jargon. Know the facts.
  5. Foods we eat and a poor diet contribute to acne. High glycemic (sugar) and processed foods are poor choices for all skin types, but particularly those that are acne prone. There are also studies focusing on the correlation between cystic acne and dairy products. Food has a direct impact on the over all health and flare ups for acne prone individuals.
  6. Get an adequate amount of sleep. People that are sleep-deprived and night shift working individuals will have a more difficult time maintaining clear skin.
  7. Supplements are important to clear skin. Try supplements like Zinc, Fish oils and Probiotics. They all have a positive impact on acne especially the inflamed lesions. Just like helpful supplements there are some to avoid in food, those are; kelp, algae, chlorella, or Maca Root can be especially troublesome for acne.
  8. Be patient with your acne treatments and skin care. When I treat a client it can take 90 days to achieve clearer skin. It takes 90 days for a microcomedone or lesion to form and time, for the existing lesions to surface. The proper acne home care will not only address the over-proliferation of dead skin cells and the existing inflammation, it will also prevent new lesions from forming. Most acne home care only addresses the bacterial portion of the problem, (like Tea Tree oil) and doesn’t address the problem deep inside the pore. Daily consistent home care and diligence will clear skin faster. Missing one day of treating acne allows more lesions to form.
  9. Be kind to your skin and refrain from picking while under direction of an acne specialist.
  10. Get help! Sometimes acne is just way above what we can treat on our own. We seek a professional to clean our homes, change our oil, and other frivolous things, remember you are worth it! I know I spent thousands of dollars on treatments on the internet, make up and other things to address my acne. Please seek help before scarring occurs, which is almost impossible to reduce.

Medications like Accutane have tremendous side effects, and our antibiotics are being overused, neither of which is a cure. As an acne specialist my job is to help people maintain and clear the skin without harmful chemicals. When you are ready for a change, here’s where to find me.

Rachel Geschke, Acne Specialist
Skin and Acne Specialist

Excerpts from:

The AcneRX by Dr James Fulton Jr.

Five Reasons Not to Take Antibiotics for Acne by

The Science of how Dairy causes Acne by Briana Rognlin

Milk consumption and acne in teenaged boys
Clement A. Adebamowo, MD, ScD,a,f Donna Spiegelman, ScD,b,c Catherine S. Berkey, ScD,d F. William Danby, MD,e Helaine H. Rockett, MS, RD,d Graham A. Colditz, MD, DrPH,a,c,d Walter C. Willett, MD, DrPH,a,c,d and Michelle D. Holmes, MD, DrPHdBoston, Massachusetts; Hanover, New Hampshire; and Ibadan, Nigeria

Use of the rabbit ear model in evaluating the comedogenic potential of cosmetic ingredients
Research Center 2121 Route 27, Edison NJ 08818. Received October 1981.