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What is Exosomes?

Exosomes are small vesicles that are released by cells and contain a variety of biomolecules, such as proteins, lipids, and nucleic acids. They have been shown to have regenerative and anti-aging properties when applied topically to the skin.

What Exosomes do we use? Dp Dermaceuticals™ MG-EXO-SKIN™ serves as our exciting and new for in-clinic regenerative solution for aging. Pioneering the purest exosomes, harvested from Wharton’s Jelly-derived mesenchymal stem cells, only MG-EXO-SKIN™ revolutionizes aesthetic treatments with a dual HylaFuse™ and Calphasome™ delivery systems. Now, the exciting part is these were harvested from only two donors and replicated in the lab to produce astounding results!

Why do we do Microneedling? We love microneedling for providing a form of scar revision and thickening the skin (epidermis or outer most layer of the skin)!

How does it work? What are the ULTIMATE BENEFITS!

  • Maximized potential of skin regeneration
  • Boosts natural cellular repair, signals for more youthful looking skin
  • Proven to help reduce the appearance of ageing skin, pigmentation and rosacea
  • Pure Wharton’s Jelly derived, MSC sourced exosomes
  • Ethically sourced- meaning two donors are all that was used to replicate these amazing results!
  • Promotes normalized and youthful regeneration
  • Renews and refreshes for revitalized function

What do we know about EXOSOMES?

Mesenchymal Stem Cells (MSC) derived exosomes have been shown to enhance collagen synthesis, angiogenesis, cellular proliferation and to support wound recovery.

An exosome is a nano (super small), extracellular vesicle found in cells, particularly in human stem cells. They contain biomolecules such as proteins, lipids and nucleic acids and act as messengers from stem cells to other cells. They play a vital role in intercellular communication, tissue healing, regeneration and repair.

Wharton’s Jelly derived MSCs and exosomes promote wound healing by speeding up wound closure, reducing cicatricial healing/scar formation, regulating collagen fiber distribution and supporting the regeneration of adnexa (skin appendages, including hair and sebaceous glands, nerves and blood vessels) via TGF- β receptor inhibition. Only these human MSCs-derived exosomes have been shown to activate the regenerative factors required to promote effective wound healing, rejuvenation and repair.

The exosomes released by younger stem cells (such as Wharton’s Jelly derived), carry youth and health benefits have been proven to be very powerful in regulating regenerative processes. Future rejuvenation, of the skin, can be activated and enhanced for maximized repair and correction.

Exosomes do not change the DNA of a cell. They are not gene therapy.

“Exosomes promote regulated wound healing, boost the synthesis of collagen and elastin, support cellular differentiation, enhance angiogenesis, and create regenerative healing. These exosomes reduce inflammation with the healing process and are an amazing benefit to enhance your microneedling results!”

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