Chemical Peels Certification
Course Description:
This six hour Certification for Chemical Peels will prepare you to perform this popular exfoliation treatment for your clients. Learn to perform this service safely and effectively to give your clients fabulous results. In this class, chemical peels will be performed and students will learn to effectively beautify your client’s skin.
Course Objectives:
Upon completion of the course requirements, the graduate will be able to:
- Have an Introduction to Peels
- Wisconsin Esthetician License Practice and Professional Conduct
- Review Anatomy and Physiology of the skin
- Learn about the Wound Healing Process
- Learn Contraindications for Chemical Peels
- Learn how to do Chemical Peel Consultations
- Understand Chemical Peel Treatments
- Perform a Chemical Peel
Course Format:
- Lecture
- Discussion
- Question and Answer
- Problem Solving
- Illustrations
- Partner and Team Learning skills
- Written Exam
Teaching and Learning Methods:
The 6 hour education is provided in a sequential set of learning steps that address the specific tasks and skills necessary to prepare for performing a chemical peel. The student treatment room is comparable to those used in the industry including necessary products, equipment and implements.The subject is presented by interactive lectures, demonstration and with student participation.
Grading Policies and Procedures:
Students will gain certification in Chemical Peels after 6 hour course is complete.
The purpose of the written exam is to evaluate and review the information discussed and demonstrated in the 6 hour Chemical Peels course.
Course Content Effective 1/1/2018
Subjects | Theory Hours | Practical Hours |
I. Introduction to Chemical Peels and Wisconsin Esthetician License Practice and Professional Conduct Law and Code, Bookkeeping, Business Management, History, and Ethics | 1 | |
II. Review Anatomy and Physiology of the skin and the Wound Healing Process | 1 | |
III. Learn Chemical Peel Consultations | 1 | |
IV. Learn Contraindications to Chemical Peels and Understand Chemical Peel Treatments | 1 | |
V. Written Assessment | 1 | |
VI. Teacher Demonstration and student will perform a Chemical Peel | 1 | |
Total Hours | 5 | 1 |
Required Level of Achievement:
Students must complete the required number of course content hours in both theory and practical. Students must complete Written Examination.
Meet your Instructors! Elizabeth & Rachel
Do you need more info?
Email the school your interest or if you would like to be added to the waiting list for the upcoming classes. Email or call: 262-525-6605 to schedule a time to discuss your learning needs.
- One on One training can also be scheduled online!
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- Please note that all deposits and payments for Advanced Classes are nonrefundable. You can transfer to another class session!