How Do I Schedule a Service?

Click on a service you would like from our menu of services for Skin and Acne Specialist. Once the page opens up click on the blue BOOK NOW Button.

Student Services are listed under the School page, then click on Spa Services! You can click on the Book Now Buttons and schedule from any page, just scroll down to the Student Services!

How to BOOK!. Click Book Now!

  1. Pick your service!
  2. Pick your Provider: For Licensed Professionals Choose: Skin and Acne Specialist – Rachel or Elizabeth or for the Student Spa Services at The Washington County School of Esthetics – Choose Student Service Room 1-5
  3. Pick your Day/Time!
  4. Schedule! (We do have a Wait List if you don’t see the time you need!)
How Do I Get an Approved Account?

Approved accounts are required to purchase prescription-grade products and it’s super easy to get an approved account. Once you have an approved account you will be able to purchase any of the products on our website with just a few clicks.

First you need to create an account on our website. (Note that the password requirements are strict in order to protect your privacy and the security of our website).

Once your account has been created you can click on the Approved Section of the My Account page to request approval. We will contact you to complete the process.

Remember that once you are approved you still need to be logged in to your account to add prescription-grade products to the shopping cart.