Knowledge Blog

Boost Skin Love with Exosomes!

Boost Skin Love with Exosomes!

Add: Exosomes to your next Treatment! What is Exosomes? Exosomes are small vesicles that are released by cells and contain a variety of biomolecules, such as proteins, lipids, and nucleic acids. They have been shown to have regenerative and anti-aging properties when...

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Acne Prone Skin Should Avoid These Ingredients!

Click to Download your copy!   Pore Clogging Ingredients in Skin and Hair Care Below is a list of ingredients to avoid in all skin care, acne care, makeup, and hair products. Do not ever put anything on your skin or your hair without checking the ingredients first,...

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June is Acne Awareness Month!

Let's Play some Acne Trivia! True or False? My acne will go away fast like the internet tells me? False- Getting acne under control is a process and depends on many factors: Diet Supplements and Medications (over the counter and prescription) Appropriate and...

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Referral Bonus

For every client you refer you get a $20 Credit! It's Easy! Refer a friend to me and after they come in you get a Credit for $20.  $20 Credits never expire! $20 Credits can be used for Products, Gift Certificate, or for Services! There is no limit to how many you can...

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How to use Acne Products Effectively!

How to use Acne Products Effectively!

How to use your Face Reality Acne Products for best results. Cleansing Don't use a wash cloth, Norwex cloth, or any scrubbing brush with your acne cleanser. Using this can cause your products to penetrate deeper, cause dryness, or irritate your pores causing more...

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How does LED Light help acne?

How does LED Light help acne? Blue LED at the wavelength 470nm uses light energy to kill bacteria. LED assists with killing p.acnes bacteria by using a byproduct from the bacteria called porphyrin against itself. "When porphyrins absorb light of certain wavelengths,...

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Acne and Exercise!

  Step 1: Get a plastic baggie. Step 2: Grab your Acne Safe Toner! Step 3: Soak some 4x4 or 2x2 Nonwoven Gauze pads or Cotton Rounds with your Toner! SEAL UP AND YOU ARE READY TO GO TO THE GYM! "Cleansing your skin after exercise is important. When we exercise...

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Lifestyle Changes For Beautiful Clear Acne Free Skin!

 Reduce Your Stress! Having too much stress in your life is the biggest acne aggravator. You are worth a lifestyle modification to do this! Do whatever it takes, you are worth it, and you always have choices. Remove Iodine From Your Diet. Foods that are high in...

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Treatment Tips For Cold Winter Skin

The Face Reality Hydrabalance Sandwich Winter can sometimes make it difficult to stay on your acne routine when cold weather hits. The Hydrabalance Sandwich is for someone who is dry/dehydrated and on the Face Reality Acne Skin Care Program. (Complements of Face...

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LED Light has its Benefits!

Light Emitting Diodes/LED LED, commonly referred to simply as light therapy, produces low levels of light energy. Similar to the process by which plant life converts light energy into chemical energy through photosynthesis, LED devices generate a type of energy...

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Acnegenic, Comedogenic and Allergenic, Oh My!

Acnegenic, Comedogenic and Allergenic, Oh My!

Comedogenic, Acnegenic, and Allergenic, Oh My! Comedogenic ˌkämədōˈjenik/ adjective adjective: comedogenic tending to cause blackheads by blocking the pores of the skin. (Definition is complements of Google)   There is more to acne than just the buzz word...

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Tips to Keeping Skin Clear

1. Change your pillowcases every few days and flip it on a nightly basis! 2. Avoid Dairy, Soy, Peanut Butter and Sports Drinks! 3. Before adding any new vitamins or supplements read each and ingredient on the label, even the inactive ingredients. Ingredients to avoid...

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Acne Proof Your Morning Routine!

Acne Proof Your Morning Routine!

How do you be acne safe with your morning routine? Here are some tips to stay clear everyday! I hope these help you like they do me to maintain clear, beautiful acne free skin!  Every day we apply ten or more skin care products before we even walk out the door. I am...

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June is Acne Awareness Month

I want to dispel the myth that acne is normal or a right of passage into adulthood that adolescents must endure. Acne is a systemic inflammatory disease, all acne is abnormal and truly a window into our inner health. What acne is? Acne is a disease of the pores and...

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Acne and Hair Removal

Acne and Hair Removal- i,e. plucking, waxing, tweezing, threading, shaving, etc. Ever wonder? “Why do I break out after waxing or crazy plucking?” Well, acne prone skin always has little “seeds” of microcomdedones lurking under the skin. When we pull the hair from our...

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Retin A Cream as an ACNE Treatment, Not a Good Idea!

These are your ingredients in your Retin A Cream! Read them and know how pore clogging they are. For those of you who are acne prone you are creating more problems when using this cream! On a Scale of 0-5 for causing pimples or clogging pores 0 = Good and 5 = Bad =...

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