Knowledge Blog

To Pick Or Not To Pick

To Pick Or Not To Pick

Let’s talk about Pressure and Friction with acne and “#Picking”! I think everyone who has acne can rightfully say, “I’ve done this!” So, lets talk about why we shouldn’t, I am not trying to add to a guilt sandwich, but let’s explore the reasons… 1. #Microcomedones are...

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Acne Treatment by Face Reality Acne Specialist

Acne treatment by Face Reality Acne Specialist  There is a new way to treat acne that most don’t know exists. Most acne sufferers start at a dermatologist’s office but it can end at mine. I understand the frustration one feels leaving the doctor’s office with very...

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Acne Specialist in the News

Acne Specialist in the News

For those of you who receive the Express News check out my article and ad in the Family Matters publication it’s all about how I help people with acne.  On page 13! So excited it’s published.

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Acne Safe Sunscreens

I have an Acne Safe sunscreen! Do you? I have heard so many times people breaking out from them, but don’t use that as a reason not to protect your skin! And REMEMBER Mineral foundations provide SOME protection, but not enough! It is all about Application! Check out...

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The Naked Truth About Naked Juices

The Naked Truth About Naked Juices

Naked Juices may make you feel great! But they are terrible if you have ACNE prone skin! Anything high in algae, chlorella, spirulina, Blue Green Algae, or Carageenan are ACNE TIME BOMBS! Enjoy if you aren’t acne prone! Go for Low-glycemic beverages too!

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Tips to Reduce Acne Lesions Quicker

Tips to Reduce Acne Lesions Quicker

These tips are incorporated from what I have learned as a Face Reality Acne Specialist and reading great books. I have used these tips blended into my lifestyle and found with reduction of stress they work really well. #1  Take Zinc. Face Reality recommends 50-100mg...

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