June is Acne Awareness Month!

Let’s Play some Acne Trivia! True or False? My acne will go away fast like the internet tells me? False- Getting acne under control is a process and depends on many factors: Diet Supplements and Medications (over the counter and prescription) Appropriate and...
How to use Acne Products Effectively!

How to use Acne Products Effectively!

How to use your Face Reality Acne Products for best results. Cleansing Don’t use a wash cloth, Norwex cloth, or any scrubbing brush with your acne cleanser. Using this can cause your products to penetrate deeper, cause dryness, or irritate your pores causing...
Acnegenic, Comedogenic and Allergenic, Oh My!

Acnegenic, Comedogenic and Allergenic, Oh My!

Comedogenic, Acnegenic, and Allergenic, Oh My! Comedogenic ˌkämədōˈjenik/ adjective adjective: comedogenic tending to cause blackheads by blocking the pores of the skin. (Definition is complements of Google)   There is more to acne than just the buzz word...