Staying Acne Free in Summer- June is Acne Awareness Month!

With summer in full swing there are common issues that occur with acne prone skin that I have seen in my skin care business. There are ways to prevent summer break outs with some preventative measures. Always have a carefully planned skin care routine that you follow...
Acnegenic, Comedogenic and Allergenic, Oh My!

Acnegenic, Comedogenic and Allergenic, Oh My!

Comedogenic, Acnegenic, and Allergenic, Oh My! Comedogenic ˌkämədōˈjenik/ adjective adjective: comedogenic tending to cause blackheads by blocking the pores of the skin. (Definition is complements of Google)   There is more to acne than just the buzz word...

Tips to Keeping Skin Clear

1. Change your pillowcases every few days and flip it on a nightly basis! 2. Avoid Dairy, Soy, Peanut Butter and Sports Drinks! 3. Before adding any new vitamins or supplements read each and ingredient on the label, even the inactive ingredients. Ingredients to avoid...
Acne Proof Your Morning Routine!

Acne Proof Your Morning Routine!

How do you be acne safe with your morning routine? Here are some tips to stay clear everyday! I hope these help you like they do me to maintain clear, beautiful acne free skin!  Every day we apply ten or more skin care products before we even walk out the door. I am...

Acne Safe Sunscreens

I have an Acne Safe sunscreen! Do you? I have heard so many times people breaking out from them, but don’t use that as a reason not to protect your skin! And REMEMBER Mineral foundations provide SOME protection, but not enough! It is all about Application! Check out...